Development for the "Three Nurses" demo, the second demo for The Succubus Queen and the Holy Sword, will officially start this month. The renders for the three...
The Steam page is live. Wishlist it here! My publisher Shady Corner is handling everything. And in other news, the final update to The Succubus Queen and the Ho...
Howdy! The 1.2 "War Tutu" demo update is live. This update gives a much-needed boost to Arlana's HP and stats to make her more formidable. Among other things, t...
Attention! My official Patreon page has been approved! Now, the option to do so is available for those who prefer to support my projects through PayPal. The lin...
I just wanted to thank everyone for enjoying the TSQatHS "War Tutu" demo! I received valuable feedback regarding multiple things I will consider going into the...
Well. How embarrassing. A crash involving equipping the "Added Hit" Soul Fragment to Seraphina and then using her "Resolute Strike" or "Elemental Bane" combat a...
Greetings and salutations, After over a year, I have revamped and re-launched the page for my upcoming project: The Succubus Queen and the Holy Sword . A lot ha...