Future "Three Nurses" demo, Patreon, and Steam pages

I just wanted to thank everyone for enjoying the TSQatHS "War Tutu" demo!

I received valuable feedback regarding multiple things I will consider going into the full game. I got at least one critique that Arlana was too easy. That critique will go into enhancing the game's difficulty among other things.

Speaking of difficulty, I'm conceptualizing a second demo titled "Three Nurses." Who are these three nurses? That will come to light at a much later date. I can, however, tell you what it will consist of. Three tougher variations of already existing succubi, the "Booty Queens" of Lilith's Elite Royal Guard. And you get to fight them in an exclusive area in any order you wish. Manage your resources carefully.

You can get updates for the second demo and the full game on my Discord server The TwinTails Mythos. Specialized roles are required to get full access to the community and are currently available through my SubscribeStar. That's where the second part of this update comes in.

After someone suggested it to me, I'm in the process of getting my Patreon page approved as of writing this. When it gets approved, I will share the link, and Patrons will also get full access to my private Discord server.

One more thing, the game and demos will also be available on Steam via my publisher, Shady Corner Games. When that page is up, I'll link to it directly from here. When the Steam page is live, I'll announce it here so you can wishlist it.


Get The Succubus Queen and the Holy Sword [DEMO]

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