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ok i founf out what was makeing me crash it was the resolute strike skill from Seraphina and here is the error ( 

ERROR in action number 1

of  Step Event0 for object obj_battlecontroller:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [5] out of range [5] - -7.get_targets(100108,5)

at gml_Script_anon@99795@___struct___70@___struct___6@init_actions@init_actions


gml_Script_anon@99795@___struct___70@___struct___6@init_actions@init_actions (line -1)


gml_Object_obj_battlecontroller_Step_0 )

So far i love the art and sprite animations are just 101% good i have figured out combat to a good degree although i would recommend for the future Demos to start players off in a tutorial setting rather than mid-end game mainly cuz they wont know what skill dose what ad what items do not to mention the lack of understanding the combat system i figured it out on my 2nd run but still would prefer to play the early game up to or b4 the first boss as a demo as one would learn much more from the first few steps in to the game rather than jumping in to the deep in. Overall right now for me its a solid 9/10 but my gripe is something i know will be fixed so in the future i can see my self giving it a 10/10 i cant wait to see how you developed this game cuz i can all ready see my self sinking in hours in to this game XD.

Thank you for your feedback. I'm here to let you know that I have found what was causing the issue and resolved it.

(1 edit)

Bug report: i got hit with this mid combat
Push:: Execution error= variable index [4] out of range [4]


I dl'd the demo, but for some reason it stays stuck on the "Shady Corner" screen at the start and doesn't load up or something, any help?

Press 'Z' or 'X' to skip through the start-up screens.

Oh lol, my bad.
Also is the game supposed to run in 240x240 resolution or...?


In the title menu, after you select "Storm the Castle," scroll left or right until you reach the options.  The settings to change the resolution will be there.